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Magazines / 2004-11

In this project I wasn’t only the photographer but turned temporarily into editor-in-chief, make-up artist, stylist, graphic designer and model. At first glance the covers of these magazines do not look much different from those you can purchase at your newsagent. At closer scrutiny however you will notice that they spoof particular magazines. I borrowed their design and typography, their sophisticated and eye-catching aesthetics and even the target group of women readers.
I feel that this quite worn out topic is still relevant owing both to the great impact it has on the forming of taste and to its nature as a breeding ground for pseudo-problems. The very same model appears on every cover. The model, named B.B., even goes through changes in her fictive “career”. I also incorporated my name into the magazine titles. So instead of Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Men´s Health and Marie Claire you will come upon titles such as Barbaar, Cosmopolibar, Beb´s Health or Barbie Blaire.